Thursday, 7 April 2011

Harness Braces and Am Statik general update

Firstly apologies for lack of products on the website my idea is to have a massive overhall of all my current samples and look into making a proper range which is underway but taking a lot longer than anticipated. once Ive done the first small amount I will photograph it and then the shop will be more filled with yummy products.

Ive been banned from uploading photos to facebook for 30 days and I've been missing sticking little making pix and customer pictures up on the page because its looking at bit empty in the picture post department. hopefully facebook will forgive me for my sins soon and then I can stick some more pictures up of the things I have been making recently.

So... here is the newest product from my all black with coloured accents collection I have been working on, its a range of simpler designs with really nice detailing. 
The Unisex Harness braces are one of the accessories, with 3 buckles and 3 clips they give nice structure to an outfit, by themselves or with some cheeky underwear.
They will come in a range of colours ( I shall be making myself some jade ones with pink lining). Options of flowers around the back and front will be available as well as shoulder pads or strands across the shoulder will be an option too.
Apologies for the pictures just quick snapshots to show as this one will be going to the beautiful model Sohui. 

Enjoy! Perhaps see you at TG on the weekend........

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