Friday, 22 April 2011

TG showcase 2011

I am amazed and privileged to announce Im doing the Torture Garden Showcase at there huge 20th birthday ball at the Coronet in London.

There are 6 designers in total all UK based showing a wonderful range of different styles and designs from the latex fashion world.

I am thusly going all out to create a wonderful style and variations on designs I have done to give a defined look to the 3 models. I feel proud that I have been put into the show with the other designers and I look forward to seeing how it all turns out.

inspiration is currently deriving from a mixture of areas from goddesses to post apocalyptic with transformations of shades and a limited colour pallette.

Tickets are available now and you can get the saturday birthday ball tickets or a full weekend ticket is also available. Get your tickets here

Look forward to seeing people there I have a rather watery themed outfit myself and Im sure i wont be hard to miss :P

I am now locking myself away and rubbering around for a few weeks to create all the private commissions and show outfits as well as a few exciting collaborations!

see you on May 7th!


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